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Brannon Finney

Fishwatch and the United States Department of Commerce's National Marine Fisheries Service

According to Brannon Finney, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has implemented a number of programs with the goal of lowering the likelihood of marine animals becoming entangled. These programs cover everything from education and prevention to enforcement and even mitigation and conflict resolution. Volunteer reporting is an essential component of the NOAA system. On average, volunteers report 78 occurrences of entanglements each year. These reports assist the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in the development of mitigation plans and activities to reduce the number of entanglements and better preserve sea turtles.

The National Marine Fisheries Service of NOAA is in charge of conducting research on the life histories and ecological environments of fish stocks. The annual quotas for the service are developed based on these data. In addition, research is carried out by the service on topics such as the effects of climate change and environmental variability, as well as the socioeconomic repercussions of fishing. There have been over a dozen reports on NOAA Fisheries' successes and priorities that have been released up to this point. The work that the SWFSC has done can be summarized in its most recent annual report, which is titled "Restoration Strategies and Community Involvement in Fish Stock Management: Opportunities and Challenges of the Future."

Brannon Finney thinks that the MMPA prohibits killing marine mammals while fishing, but permits bycatch and incidental take of listed species. It is permissible for the NMFS to place restrictions on the use of this permission depending on the possibility that an encounter will take place. Bycatch is the term used to refer to accidental catches. According to the Endangered Species Act (ESA), fishing that results in unintended harm to a listed species is considered a "incidental take," which requires documentation and approval from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).

Commercial fisherman have a significant obstacle in the form of overfishing. During the past ten years, the amount of time spent on commercial fishing has dropped by 55 percent, while the number of catches and landings have dropped by 93 percent and 89 percent, respectively. The overfishing of groundfish is mostly to blame for the damage done to the surrounding ecosystem as a result of these fisheries. This cycle has a self-sustaining dynamic. On the other hand, there are approaches that, in the long run, can mitigate the negative impacts of overfishing. The education of our fisheries is the first step toward protecting marine life and ensuring its continued existence for future generations.

Brannon Finney feels that the National Marine Fisheries Service is working to protect and restore the ecosystem in the West Pacific. For instance, the dismantling of four dams along the Klamath River will allow salmonids to once again thrive in the region. The conclusion of the Biological Opinion is anticipated to be reached in the month of December 2021. In the waters that were impacted, the National Marine Fisheries Service will be able to restart commercial fishing operations with the assistance of a cooperation between the public and private sectors.

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